
Nicolas W. Sterner

Cellist / Conductor / Educator / Writer

 Searching for Musical Truth

What music lays bare is the inner workings, triumph, suffering, and imagination of the human spirit. It is in the unique rhetorical devices inherent to classical music that art has the ability to transcend the individual and depict human existence as a whole.
— Nicolas Sterner

As the creative engine behind nwsmusic, Nicolas Sterner is committed to bringing the highest level of quality to the following services and domains of expertise:



  • Cellist for hire as soloist, chamber, and orchestral musician — String ensemble for hire (weddings, anniversaries, memorial or religious services, gallery openings, and private parties)


  • Conductor for hire, from small ensembles to full orchestras

Teaching + Tutoring

  • Cello lessons for students of all ages, from beginner to advanced – including one-on-one practice coaching and performance preparation

  • Piano, violin, and viola lessons for beginning and intermediate students

  • Instrument purchase consultation: providing expertise in selecting your new cello and/or bow


  • Press coverage through published classical music reviews

Feature in the Boston Globe

March 12, 2021

Video Produced by Shelby Lum

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